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Pizza da Toni GmbH (Chur)

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About Us

We pay attention to that certain something!

The dough, the tomato sauce and the mozzarella, are the three basic ingredients that distinguish a good pizza from a second-rate one.

We produce our pizza dough according to the old proven pizza master recipe one day in advance and make sure that the dough could mature well, so that it gains a pleasant light and crispy touch for the customer.

For the salsa, the perfect tomato sauce, we use tomatoes ripened in the sun and enrich them with Mediterranean spices in such a way that the character of a strong tomato is underlined and not drowned out.

When choosing the mozzarella, we are in active contact with our customers. The right mozzarella complements the flavor variation on a pizza without leaving the customer feeling heavy. Of course, we always strive to optimize our products. When we want to introduce a new mozzarella into our production, we have a network of select key customers who, after our testing, can give us additional feedback, on their pizza enjoyment.

The best ingredients are of no use if they are not properly matched. That's why we constantly instruct and retrain our staff to ensure a consistent standard of pizza presentation.

Pizza da Toni brings the pizzeria to your home. We have optimized our production and our process so that you can enjoy the pizzas at your home as if you were just in the bella Italia, served with these delicacies.

Buon apetito - bon apetit

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Location and contact

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Pizza da Toni GmbH

  • office address office address

    Ringstrasse 203 7000 Chur

  • Phone Phone
    0812... Show number 081 284 80 80 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Pizza da Toni GmbH

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